If you have found your way to my website, the chances are you are experiencing some sort of distress or disquiet in your life. Whether you have been struggling with a particular issue, hope to avoid destructive patterns that seem to repeat themselves or simply want to find a space to explore what it is to be you, psychotherapy can be a healing and nurturing experience.
The way we will work together will depend on your needs and what brings you to therapy. We might explore your past to help us understand how it impacts your present and your relationships. We might be working out how to reduce your tendency towards anxiety and depression. You might be struggling with the impact of a single or repeated trauma and we can work on how to place traumatic experiences in the past where they belong.
Psychotherapy can be long or short term. Depending on what brings you to therapy and the depth of complexity involved, we can agree on a plan together. I tend not to work with a client for fewer than six sessions.
I am constantly surprised and awed by the human spirit - our capacity to thrive and desire to heal, no matter the challenges endured. Bamboo is a symbol of flexibility, resilience and continuous growth.

"It's a joy to be hidden, but a disaster not to be found"
D. Winnicott
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